SSO Supplementary Resources: Exploring Practical Options for Critical Knowledge Dissemination of Occupational Science Beyond Formal Publishing

by | Oct 20, 2023 | Uncategorized

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Abstract Title

Exploring Practical Options for Critical Knowledge Dissemination of Occupational Science Beyond Formal Publishing


The aim of this forum session is to engage in collaborative dialog to explore practical options for Occupational Science academics and educators to creatively disseminate insights of their work to audiences beyond those traditionally reached in formal academic publishing venues, academic and association conferences, formal education settings, and textbooks.


Contemporary developments in the field of Occupational Science offer meaningful insights in addressing pressing global challenges, however, there are many systemic barriers present in traditional academic publishing and dissemination formats that limit access to and dissemination of these insights in partnership with key stakeholders in the international community. For example, formally published academic literature, textbooks, and research conferences are often inaccessible and cost-prohibitive to communities researched, field clinicians, interprofessional/interdisciplinary colleagues, and communities of diverse languages and abilities throughout the globe. Maximizing accessibility to Occupational Science insights will require engagement with mechanisms for knowledge dissemination beyond those currently offered through formal academic publishing and dissemination venues. 

Potential outcomes for participants

Occupational Scientists will gain practical insight into simple options currently available to maximize the accessibility of their research with the demonstration of case examples and collaborative peer exploration of strategies to share their work beyond formal publishing for enhanced accessibility and field translation of OS insights.

Relevance to conference theme (if applicable)

The future of Occupational Science will be enhanced by efforts explored to increase the accessibility of its insights into mediums that are easily dissimilated to and engaged with by key stakeholders in the international community.

Supplementary Materials: 

Link to virutal version of event:

Social Justice Sewing Academy:


Mx. Domestic:

Humming Bird Studio:

Evergreen State College Center For Community-Based Learning and Action:

Evergreen Tacoma:






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